以下の ビルディングブロック が利用可能です:
App decision
App start
Alternative launch
App start shortcut
App clear cache
App foreground
App installed
App kill
App kill background
App list
App notifications enabled
App notifications set state
App notifications priority get
App notifications priority set
App notifications visibility get
App notifications visibility set
AppOp mode set
AppOp mode
App pick
App usage
Broadcast decision
Broadcast receive
Broadcast send
Google Now voice command
Plug-in action
Plug-in decision
Plug-in event
Preferred activity
Resolve activity
Resolve receiver
Resolve service
Service start
Shell command
Shell command superuser
バッテリー & 電源
Battery level
Device doze mode active
Device doze mode set state
Device interactive
Device keep awake
Device reboot
Device restart
Device shutdown
CPU speed get
CPU speed set
Power save mode enabled
Power save mode set state
Power source plugged
カメラ & 音声
Audio device connected
Audio player control
Audio record
Audio record stop
Audio stream muted
Audio stream set mute
Audio volume
Audio volume set
Bluetooth SCO set state
Hotword detected
Media playing
Media store add
Media store remove
Media tags read
Microphone muted
Microphone set mute
Ringtone pick
Sound level
Sound play
Sound stop
Speak stop
Speak to file
Speakerphone on
Speakerphone set state
Speech recognition
Take picture
Tone play
Tone stop
Vibrate stop
Video record
Video record stop
並行処理 (フロー内、他ファイバー間で)
Atomic add & load
Atomic compare & store
Atomic clear all
Atomic load
Atomic store
Variables give
Variables take
Airplane mode enabled
Airplane mode set state
Bluetooth device connect
Bluetooth device connected
Bluetooth device disconnect
Bluetooth device pick
Bluetooth device scan
Bluetooth enabled
Bluetooth set state
Bluetooth tethering enabled
Bluetooth tethering set state
Data usage
HTTP request
Infrared transmit
Mobile data enabled
Mobile data set state
Mobile data network type
NFC enabled
NFC set state
NFC tag scanned
NFC tag write
Network connected
Network throughput
Network type
Restrict background data enabled
Restrict background data set state
USB tethering enabled
USB tethering set state
Wake-on-LAN send
Wi-Fi connect
Wi-Fi connected
Wi-Fi enabled
Wi-Fi hotspot enabled
Wi-Fi hotspot set state
Wi-Fi network scan
Wi-Fi network pick
Wi-Fi set state
Wi-Fi signal strength
Account generic add
Account pick
Account sync request
Account sync enabled
Account sync set state
Alarm add
Calendar event add
Calendar event get
Calendar event query
Calendar pick
Contact query
Contact pick
Content changed
Content copy
Content delete
Content insert
Content pick
Content query
Content shared
Content update
Content view
Database modify
Database query
Timer add
日時 & 時間
Date pick
Duration pick
Time await
Time pick
Time window
Time zone get
ファイル & ストレージ
FTP delete
FTP download
FTP list
FTP make directory
FTP upload
File copy
File delete
File exists
File list
File make directory
File monitor
File move
File pick
File read
File write
Google Drive delete
Google Drive download
Google Drive list
Google Drive make directory
Google Drive share
Google Drive upload
Storage media mounted
Storage space
Zip compress
Zip extract
Failure catch
Fiber stop
Fiber stopped
Flow beginning
Flow beginning pick
Flow pick
Flow start
Flow stop
Go to
Log append
Android version
Array add
Array remove
Array set
Dictionary put
Dictionary remove
Expression true
For each
Variable set
Accessibility button
Assist request
Attention light
Car mode enabled
Car mode set state
Clipboard get
Clipboard set
Color pick
Device docked
Device lock
Device unlocked
Dialog choice
Dialog confirm
Dialog input
Dialog message
Dialog number
Dialog web
Display on
Fingerprint gesture
Interact touch
Key pressed
Key send
Keyboard visible
Login failed
Quick Settings tile show
Media button
Night mode enabled
Night mode set state
Notification action
Notification cancel
Notification channel pick
Notification interact
Notification posted
Notification show
Notification snooze
Process text selection
Process text set
Screen lock set state
Screen orientation
Screen orientation set
Toast posted
Toast show
Wired headset plugged
ロケーション位置 | 場所
Geocoding reverse
Location at
Location get
Location mock
Location pick
Location provider enabled
Location provider set state
Location show
Cloud message send
Cloud message receive
Compose MMS
Compose SMS
Compose e-mail
E-mail send
Gmail send
Gmail unread count
MMS send
SMS received
SMS send
SMS sent
Ambient light
Ambient temperature
Atmospheric pressure
Device acceleration
Device orientation
Magnetic field strength
Motion gesture
Personal activity
Significant device motion
CyanogenMod profile
CyanogenMod profile set
Input method pick
Input method set
Interruptions set
Notification policy get
Notification policy set
Ringer mode
Ringer mode set
Ringtone get
Ringtone set
Screen brightness set
Screen brightness
Screen off timeout set
Screen off timeout
System language get
System language set
System property get
System setting get
System setting set
Wallpaper image set
Wallpaper live set
Call answer
Call end
Call incoming
Call number
Call outgoing
Call state
Cell signal strength
Cell tower near
Cell tower pick
Dial number
Mobile network preferred
Mobile network preferred set
Mobile operator
Mobile service state
Subscription pick
Ringer silence
USSD request