Notification show

A decision block that shows a status bar notification.

If the proceed option is set to Immediately, then the notification will be shown without pausing the fiber. If set to When dismissed, then the fiber will pause until the notification has been clicked proceeding through the YES path, or cancelled proceeding through the NO path. When clicked works like When dismissed except the notification will remain shown after its been clicked.

If the fiber is already showing a notification, it’s updated with the new information, without replaying its sound and vibration, and blinking light. Use the Fork block to show multiple notification within the same flow.

The notification is removed when the fiber stops, or by using the Notification cancel block. To dismiss a notification, either clicked it, or if it’s not an ongoing event, by cancelling it with a left-swipe or the “clear all” button.

The notification should appear on Wear devices if it’s cancellable and not ongoing.


Input arguments

Output variables