Notification policy get
An action block that gets the (Do Not Disturb) policy settings for “priority” notifications.
If the proceed option is set to Immediately,
then current policy settings are assigned to the output variables without pausing the fiber.
If set to When changed, then the fiber will pause until the policy settings has been modified.
Note! This feature require an Android 6+ device.
- Proceed — when the fiber should proceed.
Output variables
- Current reminders policy — variable to assign the current policy for “reminder” notifications.
- Current events policy — variable to assign the current policy for “event” notifications.
- Current messages policy — variable to assign the current policy for “message” notifications.
- Current calls policy — variable to assign the current policy for “call” notifications.
- Current repeat caller policy — variable to assign the current policy for repeat caller notifications.
- Currently blocked disturbances — variable to assign the currently suppressed effects (Android 7+).